Refind the key of your life
The rituals of the Open Hearts Academy offer you new possibilities to heal from inner soul trauma, that expresses itself as behaviour that is not accepted in the outside world: the narcissism and other psychopathology which you mostly see in leaders like you with a lot of influence. The shadow of being able to hyper focus on the personal desires, is delicious in the one hand, but can be destructive for the people around you, mainly your partner, your kids and your close friends. Where at the one hand you shine your light to the outside world without noticing what is really living inside you, there is a lot to gain with respect to feeling your own emotions and body expressions in order to connect from heart to heart.
CreaVision meetings offer clarity to team member who are feeling polarization and who are being triggerd from one another in such way, that it is difficult to stay in their own presence and inner wisdom. Being distracted by the behavior of ‘the other person’, the energy can be very demanding and forcing.
Well being is more than having enough food, a house to live in, a car to drive around and have pleasure in making money. Of course these elements of life can bring you pleasure and a feeling of abundance and freedom, no doubt about that.
Inner journey
Nobody can walk your specific path, only you. You are the only person being born from your parents at that certain day, time and location. There is no other you. At the other hand, we are all mirrors for each other and we can only experience our talents by meeting others.
Time for a new beginning
The rituals of the Open Hearts Academy are meant for those leaders who feel that it is time for a new beginning. They know how awful their behaviour can be, but they do not know how to change their destructiveness, as they cannot consciously connect with that or with an inner choice for a different way. They only know that once they are feeling hurt, anger, rage and fury is the answer. This lack of consciousness exists due to trauma in their childhood, sometimes from pre-birth as a fetus in the womb of their mother or due to polarizing or destructive energies at the conception. What if deep down inside you desire for unconditional love, the love you never met in your life because you had to prove yourself, manifest and gain respect from others in order to feel well?
Changing narcissistic behaviour consciously