The team members of the Open Hearts Academy are from a specific soul family. They know each other from past lives in which they experienced extreme polarities. They are initially chosen by the soul team of Leonie Linssen, the founder of the Open Hearts Academy. Leonie knows that the universe has more ways of expressing the truth and manifesting specific desires that she can imagine herself. She knows that a team can only shine if they all have specific talents that will be celebrated by the other members. Once all participants feel the same desire to manifest a new world and society via membership of the Open Hearts Academy, team building can be started. Leonie started to build her team in spring 2020. The members changed during the years and our team is still growing until all thirteen sisters and thirteen brothers unified into one big team.
There is a time and specific moment for creation. The members of the Open Hearts Academy know this, and know when to shine and when to withdraw in order to give space and room to the talents of other members. Each member of our team has specific talents that can be used in the rituals or other services. Synchronicity will take place when all members are aligned for the next step, including you as a client.
- Leonie Linssen (met ieder een eigen pagina)
- Sophie Verhey
- Petra Visser
- Marlene Timmer
- Henriette Hofman
- Ilse Langschmidt
- Sherida Heilbron
- Namaya Dewi
- Marcel Heijnes
- Jeroen van der Hoff