Ritual of the integration of the light
In this last ritual, which is a ritual that follows up the ritual with the seven sisters of Delight, and the ritual of the Brotherhood of light, integration of masculine and feminine forces will be established. Energies of East and West, North and South will be joined and reconnected in your heart.
Lineair thinking comes with a goal and with focus. Most men know this and they know how to take steps that support their goal. But when these steps are taken without connection with the outside world, chaos may be the result. In this ritual, seven men and seven women will support you in seeing the results of your actions, and give you the possibility to acknowledge them in a way you have not foreseen.
The body is such a rich part of your existence and the heart knows how to feel, to receive and how to reconnect. In this ritual you will experience both the linear function of you, being in the centre of your being, and you being the representative of the whole universe, collapsed in your personal body. Enlightenment can only exists if both worlds are working together in a congruent way and that is what you are going to experience in the ritual of the integration of the Light.
As it is the Light that will enlighten the burden on your shoulders, with those who can see you for what you are, both small and the endless spiritual being. Having them experienced in different ways, you will find the key to enlightenment yourself, by being able to experience humanity in full closure.
of the light
of the light
of the light
of the light