Well being is more than having enough food, a house to live in, a car to drive around and have pleasure in making money. Of course these elements of life can bring you pleasure and a feeling of abundance and freedom, no doubt about that. But if you only focus on this part of you being, one day the restlessness and emptiness you may feel deep down inside, may come up.
We all are connected and being influenced by the world we live in, the people around us, the rules of society and the sacrifices we made for our family. The importance of being healthy is something that might shake you up one day, as your body may protest against your one sided way of living and come up with a disease that draws your attention. Leonie Linssen has experienced this wake-up call in her life in 2011, when she got breast cancer and when her brother died in the same period of cancer within four weeks. She was lead to her heart and opened up from within. She followed her inner wisdom that told her to refuse chemotherapy and hormonal therapy and choose for energetic ways of healing. Soul twins crossed her paths and reincarnation became a knowing instead of a mental concept of how to look at humanity.
With an open heart, one is able to time travel through time and space and connect to energies of past lives, contact ancestors and receive inner wisdom from over time. Compassion and unconditional love are the most lovable forces you may discover in your inner journey. Book an Intensive Trauma Free Session with Leonie or one of her colleagues.